Peking Duck 101: Traditional Chinese Food in Henderson
by Angie Lei
Chinese Cuisine
Imagine, a crispy, juicy, duck, wrapped in a soft bun with refreshing cucumbers and green onions, tied together with a savory sauce. It is called “Peking duck”, a classic Chinese food, and a must-try when visiting China. However, many Chinese restaurants in Henderson today serve this wonderful dish! Today I will tell you all you need to know about ordering and eating Peking Duck.
First, Peking duck is a luxury dish which is often expensive. When ordered you can expect it to feed around 4-5 people and it will usually be served table side.
A server will present you with the whole duck and proceed to cut the duck along the skin.
Many people get confused because the server will stop cutting once they serve most of the skin, leaving meat on the duck.
However, this is intentional because the crispy skin is the highlight of the duck and many restaurants will serve the rest of the meat in another dish.
Now, on to how to eat the Peking duck. Usually, restaurants will serve the dish with thin pancakes and various sides to wrap it with. Typically, the sides are thinly sliced green onions, julienned cucumbers, and a sauce. Some restaurants serve the Peking duck with soft buns instead of the pancake, but don’t worry;
it is equally as delicious! To eat the duck, grab a pancake, put in a couple of pieces of cucumbers and green onions, scoop a bit of sauce, wrap it up, and enjoy!
Some restaurants will even use the remaining parts of the duck to make other dishes including soups. This happens in most of the traditional Chinese style restaurants in Asia, it is rarely seen in Chinese restaurants in Henderson and surrounding area.
Hope you order a Peking duck next time you visit a Chinese restaurant!

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