Dumpling 101: Xiao Long Bao - Henderson Edition
by Angie Lei
Chinese Cuisine
Chinese cuisine has many different types of dumplings, Jiaozi (饺子), Guotie (锅贴), Shumai (烧卖), and many more. Each dumpling is rich with its own unique history and flavors. Today, the dumpling I will showcase is the Xiao Long Bao (小笼包 ) or soup dumpling.
Xiao Long Bao’s origin is uncertain, however, it is commonly attributed to the Shanghai suburb of Nanxiang around 150 years ago. It is believed a chef named Huang Mingxian wanted to create a unique dish for his restaurant Ri Hua Xuan. And so he created Xiao Long Bao’s trademark filling, which combines traditional dumpling filling with a flavorful broth. Those who try Xiao Long Bao are often surprised by how much soup it contains.
While it was a trade secret in ancient China, today, the not-so-secret-secret is the soup is reduced and cooled until it becomes gelatinous. Then, the soup is cubed and mixed in with the rest of the dumpling filling. Another key that makes Xiao Long Bao stand out is the extremely thin wrapping. However, the wrapping must not be too thin or it will cause the dumpling to break while steaming. Correct cooking time is absolutely crucial for a successful soup dumpling. If steamed for too long, the gelatinous soup will be absorbed by the rest of the filling. If steamed for too short, the dumpling will be undercooked. While the secrets of Xiao Long Biao are now easily accessible, they are a labor of love.
How to eat:
Even when cooked to perfection, Xiao Long Bao is very delicate. Most orders of Xiao Long Bao are served in a bamboo steamer and come with 4-6 dumplings. The best way to eat them is with chopsticks and a soup spoon. Carefully use chopsticks to pick up the dumpling and place it on the soup spoon. Here you can optionally scoop a bit of Chinese vinegar and thin ginger slices on the soup spoon. Bite a bit of the dumpling and let some steam escape. Then enjoy!
While there are Xiao Long Bao specialty restaurants, they can most commonly be found in dim sum restaurants. Hope you visit one and try Xiao Long Bao soon!

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