Microchipping Cats in Henderson


by:  Diane Soukup

Recently, there have been some news stories about microchipping becoming mandatory for animals (cats and dogs) in Las Vegas. What is it, and why is it so important? And is it compulsory in Henderson?

A microchip is a small transmitter enclosed in bio-glass, approximately the size of a grain of rice, implanted into an animal between the shoulder blades via a syringe with a large-gauge hypodermic needle. 

The microchip has a 15 digit number which will pull up information about the pet’s owner once scanned and entered into the database. Although it sounds like something which could act like a GPS tracker, unfortunately, it’s not the case with current technology.

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Chips are implanted at a vet’s office, a shelter, or even in a foster home by a trained person associated with a rescue group. The procedure is like a vaccine and is relatively painless for the kitten because of where and how it’s inserted. Some vets prefer to implant the chip during a spay or neuter procedure as the animal is already under anesthesia, ensuring it won’t wiggle or feel the chip being placed. Depending on who places the chip, the owner may have to create an account and enter their information online, or, in some instances, the vet’s office will do for the client.

So why are microchips so important? Why not just put a collar and name tag on your cat? The reality is the collars come off: Many cats wear what are known as “breakaway” collars. These collars are designed to separate and fall off if the cat gets it caught on something – a branch, for example. (I found a collar on my driveway and returned it to the family; I was glad to find out their cat had returned home on its own.)

While many people use Apple AirTags to track their pets, this method is only effective while the AirTags have a charge – approximately one year. However, if the collar comes off, so does the AirTag, rendering it useless when trying to find the missing kitty.

A microchip provides a way to reconnect a pet with its owner. Fortunately, many outlets can scan a found animal, including veterinary offices, animal control, retail outlets with clinics, such as PetCo or PetSmart, and many rescue and trapping organizations. If you find a cat and can safely capture it, it is highly recommended it is taken to be scanned for a chip so the owner can be contacted.

When an animal is scanned, a handheld scanner searches for the chip. In most cases, the bio-glass has adhered to the muscles between the shoulder blades, where it was inserted, and the chip number is revealed. Sometimes, though, the chip will migrate. The person operating the scanner must check the entire animal to ensure the chip is not missed. Chips are not excreted in urine or feces as they are inserted into the muscle, not swallowed or placed into or near the urinary or gastrointestinal systems.

Does microchipping work? Absolutely. In 2018, there was the incredible story of a cat being reunited with his owner after being missing for 14 years: The cat had disappeared after a hurricane in 2004 and wandered into a family’s yard about 40 miles away early in 2018. The family took the cat to be scanned, and even though the chip information was over a decade old, the vet’s office it was placed the chip could be contacted. The vet’s office then reached out to the owner. One can only imagine how happy and unexpected the reunion was.

And it’s not the only story of cats being reunited with their owners after many years and being presumed dead. A quick Google search provides multiple stories of cats reuniting with their grateful families after many months to years.

The reunions, unfortunately, aren’t always happy. Deceased animals are also scanned for chips to provide closure to their owners and allow the owners to cremate their beloved pets. Animals which appear to have been mistreated which are chipped can lead authorities to the potential abusers. Sadly, sometimes owners choose not to claim their animals, leaving the cat to be put into the shelter or rescue system to find a new family, hopefully.

In Henderson, a quick review of the city’s pet licensing page (https://www.cityofhenderson.com/government/departments/animal-control/pet-licenses) shows the unaltered (not spayed or neutered) animals must be microchipped; however, it does not appear it is required for all animals. Henderson Shelter microchips animals before they are adopted.

If you adopt a cat a private party has already chipped, it is essential not to implant another chip. Instead, get the information about the monitoring company and the chip number from the person surrendering the cat. The person relinquishing the animal must request the chip be transferred and to whom. The chip information can be updated to reflect the new owner for a small fee.

While microchipping is not mandated by law in Henderson, it is highly recommended by veterinarians, animal shelters, and rescues – and by owners who have had their kitty returned to them, thanks to the presence of the transmitter in the cat.


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