Emotional Intelligence in Henderson & Surrounding Areas UNDERSTANDING SELF-SABOTAGE AND LIMITING BELIEFS:
by: Mary Christian
Hello my friends, you’re back! As we continue our path to self-awareness and Emotional Intelligence (“EQ”), know one of the greatest adversaries we face in our personal growth is ourselves. We need to get out of our own way, so let’s jump right into it, shall we?
Self-sabotage undermines our success and well-being. It is the voice relentlessly whispering self-doubt and fear in our ears. Self-Sabotage causes analysis paralysis and shackles us within the comfort zone which keeps us stagnant.
Silent and stealthy, it manifests in relationships, career, health, and personal development.
Limiting beliefs are deeply held convictions through which we perceive ourselves and our capabilities. Many limiting beliefs are formed during childhood or influenced by past experiences, criticism, or societal norms and create unconscious barriers which restrict our ability to reach our goals.
Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Limiting Beliefs:
Change is only as difficult as we perceive it to be. As your “comfort-zone” is challenged in your quest to discover your limiting beliefs, know overcoming these emotional dungeons is not insurmountable. Cultivate your awareness by recognizing and identifying patterns of self-sabotage and limiting beliefs. Ask yourself questions to determine how the limiting belief was formed. Question their accuracy. Question their validity. Diligently look for evidence to the contrary. Replace negative self-talk with more empowering thoughts and beliefs of affirmation. Focus on progress rather than perfection. Surround yourself with individuals who believe in your potential. Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist who can offer guidance, encouragement, and accountability. Be patient and kind to yourself with the same understanding and support you would offer to a friend facing similar struggles and be sure to celebrate your achievements.
Embracing Empowerment and Possibility:
Self-sabotage and limiting beliefs are invisible dungeons of our minds which restrain us from realizing our full potential. It takes courage, resilience, and self-awareness to empower us to step towards a future filled with possibility, as we unlock our true potential and pave the way for a life of fulfillment, purpose, and success.

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