Emotional Intelligence in Henderson & Surrounding Areas SELF-CONCEPT


by:  Mary Christian

Who knows you — I mean who truly knows you?  Your friends? Family? How about yourself?

At a minimum, we all have some “concept” of ourself.  This would be our internal library where we store the beliefs and perceptions which shape our identity, behavior, and aspirations. However, what would you think if I told you, you are unaware of the portion of your self-concept which triggers negative beliefs and self-doubt.  What if I told you: If you want to break-free from limiting beliefs, you must first discover the source, the foundation, where it all came from.

Limited Self-Concept: The Lens Through Which We See Ourselves

Unless we develop emotional intelligence and awareness where our sight is no longer limited by what we were taught, we may never realize the lens through which we see ourselves is actually distorted and narrow, focusing only on perceived flaws, shortcomings, or limitations. It is characterized by low self-esteem, self-doubt, and a lack of confidence in one’s abilities. Common traits associated with a limited self-concept include:

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Engaging in critical or self-deprecating thoughts and beliefs about one’s worth or capabilities. This includes jokingly insulting oneself.  For instance, if you say “I’m stupid” long enough, it could happen.

Constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling inadequate or inferior as a result.

Self-Sabotaging success or happiness due to fear of failure, rejection, or criticism.

Shying away from new opportunities or challenges for fear of failing or lack of confidence.

Did you know? It is not uncommon for people to perceive themselves as one way, yet others may have different perspectives and it is usually not what others perceive you to be?

A limited self-concept can subconsciously affect relationships, career development, and overall well-being. These incessant thoughts, fears, and limitations become a self-fulfilling prophecy, sabotaging success and reinforcing limiting beliefs.

Breaking Free: Strategies for Cultivating a Positive Self-Concept

Time to be proactive.  You must cultivate a more positive self-concept and empower yourself to reach your full potential by:

Practice self-awareness by being aware of your thoughts, beliefs, self-talk – including joking about yourself as a defense to discomfort or compliment. Pay special attention to when negative thoughts or limiting beliefs arise, then explore their origin.

Joking or making deprecating comments about oneself are a hindrance to growth and invisibly reinforce diminished self-confidence. Stop jokingly insulting yourself and cultivate self-compassion and kindness.

Set realistic goals and break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrate your achievements and learn from set-backs along the way.  Focus on progress rather than perfection.

Positivity breeds positivity. Surround yourself with supportive and positive influences the uplift and encourage you. Seek out mentors, friends, or role models who inspire you to reach for your dreams.

Step out of your comfort zone and take calculated risks. Embrace opportunities for growth and challenge yourself to try new things, even if they seem daunting at first.


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