Emotional Intelligence in Henderson & Surrounding Areas BREAKING THROUGH LIMITING BELIEFS: FEAR OF FAILURE OR SUCCESS 


by:  Mary Christian

As we go through life, pursuing our dreams, and aspirations, two obstacles dwell in our mind’s invisible dungeon – “Fear of Failure” and “Fear of Success.” 

Specifically, these two emotions can, and oftentimes do, cause rumination to the point of paralysis, and prevent us from taking the positive risks required to pursue opportunities and realize our true potential. To heal, we must first discover the roots of these fears, taking the initial step towards liberation and self-empowerment.

Fear of Failure: The Paralysis of What-Ifs

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Most of us, possess a fear of failure — a primal instinct deeply ingrained in our psyche. For some, the anxiety of falling short, making mistakes, or being judged negatively by others is crippling, yet for others, it drives success. Procrastination, perfectionism, and/or avoidance are all symptomatic of these challenges which include the following common thoughts: 

“What if I’m not good enough?”

“What if I try my best and still fail?”

“What will others think of me if I don’t succeed?”

Coupled with the weight of expectations:

“What if I can’t handle the pressure?”

“What if success changes me or my relationships?”

“What if I don’t deserve the success I achieve?”

The fear of success is a self-imposed barrier from taking risks and pursuing goals with confidence.  These subconscious fears are based upon past experiences, feelings of unworthiness, fear of judgment, or a desire to maintain the status quo and create resistance to achieving our full potential and embracing new opportunities.

Confronting Limiting Beliefs: Unlocking Self-Empowerment

These deeply held convictions about ourselves, others, or the world which constrain our potential and dictate our behavior. Examples of limiting beliefs associated with fear of failure or success include:

“I’m not capable of success.”

“Success is only for lucky or talented people.”

“Failure defines my worth as a person.”

“If I succeed, others will expect too much from me.”  [READ IT AGAIN!]

Embrace the Journey: Cultivating Courage and Resilience

Growth requires a commitment to face our fears head-on, embrace uncertainty, and to take bold actions despite the discomfort.  Discovering, overcoming, and breaking free of limiting beliefs is a journey:

Self Love: Be kind and treat yourself with the same understanding and support you would offer to a friend facing similar fears. Stop making self-degrading comments even in jest – your subconscious does not know you’re joking.

Set Realistic Goals: Break your goals into smaller, manageable steps. Take time to enjoy and celebrate your progress along the way rather than on the outcome and learn from setbacks and mistakes.

Question Negative Thoughts: When anxiety arises, stop and question your fear-based thoughts. Why do I feel this way? Where is this coming from? Is this fear valid? Questions such as these will help expose subconscious limiting beliefs. 

“Shift”:  “Shifting” means changing your viewpoint from a negative thought and replacing it with an optimistic, empowering point of view. When you shift, you change your energy from negativity to positivity and disallow bad thoughts to live rent free in your head.

What do YOU Want?:  Create a “Vision Board” and decorate your board with magazine cut outs, photos, drawings, and things which will help you to see your successes. Once complete, be sure to put your vision board in a place you see first thing in the morning. Take a moment to look at your board, being mindful of meditative breathing. If you can see it, you can manifest it. 


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