International Accounting Standards for Global Businesses - Henderson Edition
With businesses of all sizes interacting all around the world, in an ever more globalized economy, enterprises of all scales are faced with various financial reporting problems and issues. This is why the International Accounting Standards (IAS) and their modern counterparts, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), exist; to level out and internationalize accounting principles. In this given essay, I am going to analyze the differences between international accounting standards, and local accounting regulations; the main benefits of admitting IAS or IFRS for multinational companies; the challenges which may occur while implementing IFRS or IAS, internationally speaking; the effects these standards are having on business at a global level, and what the perspective is for their future use.
In principle, one of the main purposes of IAS and IFRS – the comprehensive sets of accounting rules imposed by international regulations – is to provide as near as possible identical treatment of our chosen set of simple transactions, but even these standards apply different rules in different countries depending on needs and prevailing customs. More often, accounting practices are governed by the standards applying where the company is headquartered – known as local accounting regulations – which therefore reflect the country’s unique financial, economic and legislative status. Even so, as long as the information is presented in sufficient detail for third-party validation, both sorts of standards have the potential to deliver a unified and comprehensible picture for users. While IFRS and US GAAP differ in virtually every aspect of accounting, their differences are especially pronounced for three primary accounts: revenue, asset impairment, and the valuation method used for inventory. This means the same transaction recorded by three different firms in the US will be represented in the regional records books in different ways – in SEO parlance, not ‘structurally identical’. And this leads to an abundance of stress: for the auditors and anybody else who needs to consolidate the combined data reported by these multinationals across all the different jurisdictions (various countries, states and provinces, municipalities, etc).
Benefits of Bookkeeping
IAS/IFRS helps multinational corporations and financial markets in various ways. One main benefit is enabling one setting of international standards having the same results, and no matter where a company is situated, their financial statements will be as comparable as possible. By adopting the same set of accounting standards, companies decrease complexity and the cost of preparing different financial statements, and, moreover, international standards will help with companies’ reputation on their investments, as they add transparency. Also, adopting IFRS helps with cross-border mergers and acquisitions, because financial information follows a common set of standards, it is both comparable and comprehensible across borders.
There are clear benefits to having homogenous international standards, but there are also some real hurdles to overcome. Practical differences between countries across legal, economic and cultural areas can form barriers to a uniform implementation of these standards. In particular, countries having less-developed financial markets would be in a far more precarious position to adopt the sorts of accounting standardisations being devised with reference to governments with long-established, smooth-running economies. Among other problems, transition to a new standard might require extensive staff training while modifications to existing financial systems and processes could be significant and costly. Furthermore, there might be resistance from local professionals who are accustomed to strong local practices.
The standards dictated by international accounting also have a profound effect on companies doing business internationally. Following IFRS as it’s called makes accounting more transparent and comparative than before, which allows any company from anywhere to easily assess financial risks, and make investment and strategic decisions. So, in theory, an investor in Japan can immediately understand and compare the financial statements of a German company with an Australian one, both of which implement IFRSs. This fully harmonized practice encourages and facilitates international business, and reduces both financial ambiguity and international investment risks.
The prospects of IFRS globally are also bright as more and more countries have started to converge with international accounting standards in an effort to reduce accusations of financial opaqueness, paving the way for long-desired international integration. Emerging economies are also increasingly willing to move towards the global benchmark. The roadmap of total global convergence will have to overcome a series of challenges associated with the level of local adaptation and resistance. The application of the standards could also change as technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence advance, enabling the use of automated and real-time compliance monitoring, to eliminate manual inefficiencies.
Although multinationals stay with some specific national accounting standards suiting their purposes, all in all, the International Accounting Standards provide the foundation for the financial uniformity of the world. There are many benefits to multinationals using the accounting standard on a universal basis, transparency, comparability and credibility are much higher with these standards making foreign business information easier for investors, despite there still some local adaptations and high cost of the implementation. Nevertheless, the benefits are crystal clear to overcome the problems and thus I firmly believe the wider use of the international accounting standards can accelerate the process.

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